The PC-SIG Library 9
The PC-SIG Library on CD ROM - Ninth Edition.iso
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Text File
630 lines
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/* LEWISTOWN, PA 17044 */
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/* TEHILLAH HILLS SOFTWARE - copyright 1988 */
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/* TURBO C */
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THS GAMES is not copy protected. You should make a backup copy
and put the original THS disk in a safe place. To copy THS, first
place DOS in drive A. Then type "diskcopy A: B:" at the A> and press
A> diskcopy A: B:
When DOS tells you to put source disk in Drive A and destination disk
disk in Drive B, then put THS in Drive A and an empty disk in drive B.
Press any key to strart the copying.
If you received a copy of THS GAMES from a friend, the suggested
registration fee is $10.00. Send the $10.00 to Tehillah Hills Software,
RD #4, Box 334 AJ, Lewistown, PA 17044. You may copy and share this
disk. Tehillah Hills Software trusts that those who enjoy YES will
support this work with the suggested regestration fee. The logo,
"Tehillah Hills Software" is copyrighted and all rights are reserved.
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PAGE 1 ....................... YES
PAGE 7 ....................... RUN FOUR
PAGE 8 ....................... ROBIN
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To load YES into the computer, you can just type YES at the A> and
press "Enter."
A> yes
Once YES is loaded, you just respond to the prompts on the screen by
typing the appropriate letter or number on the keyboard.
The first screen prompt asks you if you want to Shake the Dice, see
your Totals, Save your totals, Restart, or Quit. The first time these
choices appear, you will certainly want the type S. The totals are all
0 to start, but the 0's will appear if you type T.
Type S to begin the game. After each entry you type into the com-
puter, the computer asks you if it has the right input. For example,
when you type "S" to shake the dice, the computer will print "Shake
Dice ?." You should respond with a "+" or a "y" for yes. Any other
response will be received as a negative response.
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After you type S and a "+" or "Y," the randomizer will give you 5
random numbers. Then you must tell the computer which dice to keep
because you have three chances to shake as many of the 5 dice as you
choose. To make this decision, consider the explanation of TYPES below.
You need to decide what TYPE you are trying to get and keep the dice
that give you the best chance to get the TYPE you want. Remember: you
are allowed to "Shake the Dice" three times for each turn. Player 1 and
Player 2 alternate turns until all the spaces are filled.
To tell the computer which dice to keep, just type in any number
or letter other than "0" for each die you want to keep. For each die
you do not want to keep, type a "0." For example
DICE NUMBERS #1 #2 #3 #4 #5
5 5 2 1 5
With these random numbers you will probably want to keep the 5's. You
tell the computer to keep the 5's by typing any number other than "0"
for the first two dice; then type two 0's for die #'s 3 and 4; then type
any number other than "0" for die #5.
If this sounds confusing, just try it. The computer will check to
see if it has 0's assigned to the right die numbers before it goes on.
For example, you tried to tell the computer to keep die #'s 1,2, and 5.
The computer will print
Keep Dice #1 #2 #3 #4 #5
9 9 0 0 9
It does not matter what numbers appear under the die numbers you do want.
Just make sure a "0" appears under the ones you do NOT want. In the
example above the 9's could be any other number except "0." The 0's
are the important information. They tell the computer which dice to
shake again.
If you are still confused, look at another example:
DICE NUMBERS #1 #2 #3 #4 #5
6 2 1 3 4
Now suppose you decide to keep the small straight and try for a large
straight. 2, 1, 3, 4 gives you a small straight. You want to shake
die #1 over again to try to get a 5 instead of the 6 you now have. You
would type a 0 first for die #1; then type any number other than "0"
for the next four dice. I use a 9 because it is beside the 0 on the
keyboard. If you use a 9 for the dice you keep, the computer will print
on the right side of the screen
Keep Dice #1 #2 #3 #4 #5
0 9 9 9 9
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Then you would respond with a "+" or "y" for yes because the 0 means
die #1 will be replace with a new random number.
After you tell the computer which dice to keep, the computer will
select random numbers again for the dice you do not keep. Again the
five numbers will appear on the upper left side of the screen. These
numbers will include the numbers you told the computer to keep and new
numbers for the dice you did not choose to keep.
Then you will be asked one more time which dice to keep. Again you
may keep any or all the dice. Remember: the "0's" for the dice you do
not want are the important input.
Next you will be asked to assign the dice to a TYPE. The thirteen
different TYPES are explained below. To assign a TYPE, press the letter
that represents the TYPE you want to use. The representative letters
are listed at the bottom of your screen. If your dice do not fit any
TYPE other than FREE SPACE, and you do not want to use FREE SPACE, you
must still select a TYPE. The computer will then enter a "0" in the
TYPE you select. For example, if you were trying for a large staight
and did not get it, you might stll assign TYPE "LARGE STRAIGHT," and
the computer will place a 0 in the space for LARGE STRAIGHT.
Before the computer prints a value in a TYPE space, you will be
asked to tell the computer which of the six games to use. This gives
you the choice of playing just one game or playing several games one at
a time or playing all six games at one time. For example, if you are
playing all six games at the same time and you get a 5's several turns
in a row, you can assign TYPE "FIVES, Game 1," "FIVES, Game2," etc.
To tell the computer which game to print the value in, type a game
number (one through six) after you see the question "Game number ?."
The computer will keep track of whose turn it is and print "Player 1"
or "Player 2" on the upper left side of the screen.
After each completed turn, you have the some five choices. To see
see the totals, you type T. When all the value spaces are filled, be
sure to press T for totals to recalulate the totals. If you have pressed
T during the games, the totals on the screen might not be up to date. You
need to press T after Player 2 takes his last turn. Then you will have
the final totals for each game and for all six games added together.
After you have the final totals, you may save the total scores of
each game. Type V to save the scores. You will be prompted for the
names of the players and for the date. Then this information will be
printed in the STAT file.
If you type Z the computer will clear all values from it's memory
and start the games over.
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If you type Q the computer will return to A>. To return to A>, you
will need COMMAND.COM on your copy of YES, or the computer will prompt
you for a disk with COMMAND.COM. COMMAND.COM is on your DOS disk. You
can copy COMMAND.COM to the YES disk by putting DOS is Drive A and Yes
in Drive B and then typing "copy COMMAND.COM B:" at the A> and pressing
A> copy command.com B:
To see your totals in the STAT file you can type "copy STAT con" at
the A>.
A> copy stat con
This will print the statistics to the screen. To print the statistics
on paper, turn your printer on and type "copy STAT prn" at the A>.
A> copy stat prn
There are thirteen TYPES. Each turn for each player must be con-
cluded by the computer printing a value on the screen for one TYPE under
one Game Number.
ONE's: If you assign TYPE ONE's, the value printed will be equal to the
number of 1's you have. For example,
1 3 4 1 1 = 3
TWO's: If you assign TYPE TWO's, the value printed will be equal to the
number of 2's you have times 2. For example,
3 2 2 2 2 = 8
THREE's: If you assign TYPE THREE's, the value printed will be equal to
the number of 3's you have times 3. For example,
2 6 3 4 3 = 6
FOUR's: If you assign TYPE FOUR's, the value printed will be equal to
the number of 4's you have times 4. For example,
4 6 5 1 1 = 4
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FIVE's: If you assign TYPE FIVE's, the value printed will be equal to
the number of 5's you have times 5. For example,
5 5 5 5 5 = 25
SIX's: If you assign TYPE SIX's, the value printed will be equal to the
number of 6's you ahve times 6. For example,
6 3 1 6 6 = 18
THREE OF A KIND: If you assign TYPE THREE OF A KIND, the value printed
is equal to all five dice added together. You must have at least 3 of
the same number. For examples,
5 5 3 6 5 = 24
1 1 1 6 4 = 13
6 5 3 6 5 = 0
FOUR OF A KIND: If you assign TYPE FOUR OF A KIND, the value printed
is equal to all five dice added together. You must have at least 4 of
the same number. For examples,
1 1 1 1 6 = 10
2 3 3 3 3 = 14
5 5 5 3 4 = 0
FULL HOUSE: If you assign TYPE FULL HOUSE, the value printed is 25.
You must have 3 of one number and 2 of another number or all five dice
the same. For examples,
1 1 1 2 2 = 25
3 4 3 3 4 = 25
5 5 5 5 5 = 25
5 5 4 6 6 = 0
SMALL STRAIGHT: If you assign TYPE SMALL STRAIGHT, the value printed is
30. You must have at least four consecutive numbers. For examples,
1 2 3 4 6 = 30
2 3 4 5 1 = 30
5 4 3 1 6 = 30
2 3 4 5 6 = 30
1 2 3 5 6 = 0
LARGE STRAIGHT: If you assign TYPE LARGE STRAIGHT, the value printed is
40. You must have 5 consecutive numbers. For examples,
1 2 3 4 5 = 40
2 3 5 6 4 = 40
6 5 4 3 2 = 40
1 2 3 4 6 = 0
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YES: If you assign TYPE YES, the value printed is 50. You must have 5
of the same number. For examples,
1 1 1 1 1 = 50
5 5 5 5 5 = 50
5 5 5 5 6 = 0
FREE SPACE: If you assign TYPE FREE SPACE, the value printed is the sum
of all the dice added togeter. For examples,
6 5 6 4 1 = 22
6 6 6 6 6 = 36
If you score 63 points or more in the top part of any one game, you
receive a bonus of 35 points. In other words, if in Game 1 your totals
for ONE's, TWO's, THREE's, FOUR's, FIVE's and SIX's is 63 the total
printed will be 98.
That should do it. If you have questions, address them to
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To load RUN FOUR into the computer, you can just type FOUR at the A>
and press "Enter." [If you do not have color, type MFOUR instead of FOUR.]
A> four
Once RUN FOUR is loaded, you just type the number of the space where you
want your "checker" to appear. The computer will keep track of whose
turn it is and print either "PLAYER 1" or "PLAYER 2" on the upper right
side of the screen.
The objective is to get four of your color checker in a consecutive
row. If you get four of your color in a row vertically, horizontally,
or diagonally, you are the winner. You have to start on the bottom row.
The first player will have to choose a number between 1 and 7. Then the
next player can choose any other number on the first row or the number
above the number that the first player chose.
Each time one player gets four in a row, the game is over. To start
a new game, type a run of fours instead of a space number. That is
"Type the number of the space where you want your checker. 4444"
When the computer reads "4444," it will clear the screen and start a new
To quit and return to DOS, type Q or q for quit.
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That should do it. The rule for this one are simple. The computer
will not let you play out of turn or play a space that is not on a bottom
row or does not have a checker under it. If you have questions,
address them to
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To load ROBIN, just type ROBIN at the A> and press "Enter."
A> robin
Robin is played just like the game of BINGO, which most people are
familiar with. When ROBIN is loaded, you will get a yellow square telling
you what four letters you can use. C is for getting cards. N is for
calling a number from the randomizer. S is to start over. And Q is
to quit and return to DOS.
If you press C, you will be asked if your printer is ready because
the computer is going to give you a playing card printed by your printer.
You can use regular BINGO cards if you want to, but the computer will call
the columns R O B I N instead of B I N G O. When you give the computer
an affirmative answer, it will ask you to type in a number from 1 to 33.
There are thirty-three different cards in the computer. Each player
should select a different card number.
After all players have a card, press N. The computer will give
random number and column letters. For example, "UNDER THE R 4."
Then each player should check his card under column R. You can mark
each number you have with an X in ink or pencil or use markers such as
pennies to cover the numbers you find. Each player starts by X-ing
When someone gets five numbers in a row or five in a column or
five diagonally, he is the winner.
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Then you press S to start over. The computer will check to see if
you really meant to press S before it erases the screen. When it asks
"Do you want to start over?" just press + or Y or y.
To quit and return to DOS, type Q. Again the computer will check
to make sure you want to quit.
After the computer gets some of the random numbers to the screen,
you might notice a pause while it gets the next number. This is
happening because the computer can not give a repeat number, so every-
time it gets a repeat number, it has to go back and try again. If you
try to get all 75 numbers up, you might hear a beep after a delay. The
beep tells you that after 5000 tries, the computer failed to get an
unused number. You can press N again; the computer will print all 75
numbers. The main reason for the beep escape is so you do not get stuck
in a infinite cycle by pushing N after all the numbers are used.
This one was simple too. Have fun. If you have questions,
address them to